Friday, November 4, 2011


Carter had a great time during Halloween this year, he actually had two costumes this year. We thought he was going to be a pirate…which he was, but he also dressed up as Shrek with his cousin Delaney!! haha…she insisted that he was Shrek and she be Princess Fiona! We went over to Pine Hills for Trunk or Treating…and then we went to Monroeville on Halloween night for Carter’s first real Trick or Treating experience. He loved it!! Happy Halloween.

Aunt Kara painting Carter’s face…


Delaney as Princess Fiona…she didn’t want to smile because that would mess up her makeup! ha!


Grandma H got into the spirit too…her witch costume kind of freaked Carter out a bit Winking smile


And here is Carter as a Pirate…Arrrrr mate!!!

Photo Oct 09, 5 33 25 PMIMAG0441

Friday, October 21, 2011

Carving Pumpkins

We carved pumpkins the other night, it has been so cold and rainy outside that we had to set up shop inside…Carter had a fun time. He kept saying “oh daddy, the pumpkins are spooky.”

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Playing in the leaves!

Carter and I went to visit with Uncle Greg, Aunt Kara & Delaney and Vivian on Wednesday…D and Carter had a great time playing in the leaves together.



Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Some pictures from Carter’s 2nd birthday party…

Carter had  a great time at his birthday party, we had many of our friends and family members hang out with us for the day.





Zoo day with cousins…

We went to the zoo with Delaney and Vivian for Delaney’s birthday party. The kids had a great time!!





Johnny Appleseed Festival

We went to this fun fest with Aunt Sarah and Grandma Cindy…Carter had a great time. I’m going to act like I have been blogging like a blogging fool since Carter’s first birthday…so, to all you blogger haters out there…I’m back Smile I have a new computer that makes this whole process a bit easier…
